Dirk Domrich, LL.M.

Attorney and specialist counsel in banking law and law of capital markets

Dirk Domrich has many years’ experience of proceedings before civil courts and employment tribunals.

For many years he has acted as counsel in law of landlord and tenant and law of real property to major residential-property companies, including those engaged in subsidised residential construction, major commercial landlords, and corporate chains in business across the whole of Germany.

Dirk Dornrich advises national and international construction companies and property developers on civil construction law and law of contract and represents their interests before German courts.

As a specialist counsel in banking law and the law of capital markets, Dirk Domrich has assisted capital investors to gain their rights in numerous legal disputes, at all levels up to the German Supreme Court.

Dirk Domrich passed an extra-occupational LL.M. (Master of Law) course, majoring in private wealth management.


Banking law and law of capital markets

  • Representing investors’ interests – including those in the grey capital market
  • Loan and credit law – including negotiation with institutional lenders
  • Property finance

Civil construction law

  • Collection of receivables and design of contracts for contractors and developers

Law of property and real estate

  • Law of landlord and tenant – free and subsidised accommodation, trade and industry
  • Legal due diligence
  • Preparing and handling property transactions

Inheritance law

  • Company succession
  • Questions of inheritance law